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Grace Christian Academy
GCA Guidelines
Dress Code Policy
~Tops: Shirts with Collars and Turtle Necks and GCA - tshirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, polos, long sleeve shirts with GCA logo in... Navy, Yellow, Light Blue, Red, White.
~Bottoms: Uniform style: Shorts (length should be not above the middle finger when arms are down to the side), Pants, Skorts, Skirts (with under shorts) in Navy or Khaki. Leggings are allowed in navy and white only.
~Accessories: hair decoration, socks,etc. Must comply with school colors and not be a distraction. Jewelery: Excessive jewelry is not permitted. Any accessory that distracts from learning will be asked to be removed.
~Lunchboxes, Water Bottles, Back Packs, shoes, etc. should contain no advertisements or characters. ~Any sweatshirt or jacket that students intend to keep on in the classroom must coordinate with school colors. Overcoats and outerwear is exempt.
~Any GCA club, team, or fundraiser t-shirt is allowed as part of the regular uniform dress.
~Shoes: Students can wear tennis shoes, slip on flats, or dress shoes. Backless, crocs, flipflops, or any open toes, or sandals are NOT allowed. If shoes become a distraction or are not safe students will be asked to change. Wheelie shoes are not allowed.
~Hair: Hairstyles are to be neat, clean, moderate, combed, and in good taste. Hairstyle extremes (color or style) are not acceptable. Non- traditional or extreme changes in hair color are not permitted. Boy's hair length should not extend beyond the topof the shirt collar or come past the top of the eyebrows. No hats are allowed.
~ Piercings/Tattoos: No tattoos or piercings are allowed to be visible.
~Elementary Clarifications EVERY Friday- Students must wear a GCA shirt or uniform shirt but have their choice of bottoms excluding sweatpants. Choices would be: jeans, jean shorts or jean skirts. School party days are designated as free choice dress.
Middle School/High School Clarifications Jeans (not jean shorts but can include jean capris, or jean skirts) are allowed as part of uniform dress everyday. All clothing must be approved colors and fit correctly, free of rips, tears, or holes, and is worn at the discretion of GCA administration. ANY JACKET KEPT ON DURING CLASS BUST BE UNIFORM COLOR.
~Classroom Party Days- On these days uniform dress is not required. The following guidelines will apply: No ripped or worn clothing, no advertisements or writing on clothing (besides name brand). Pants or jeans must fit properly and modestly. Skirts, skorts, and short length must be modest and appropriate. No low neck lines or tank tops are allowed. Any outfit seen as inappropriate by the administration will not be allowed. Guidelines for footwear still apply on these Fridays.
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